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How Can I Beef Up My Garage’s Security?

 Posted on February 19, 2020 in Uncategorized

Summer or winter, rain or shine, one thing you can always count on is the possibility of crime. In many cases, homeowners will alarm their house, upgrade the doors and window locks, and light up the porch and back yard, but they may forget about one of the softest targets on the property: the garage. In fact, 9% of all home burglaries begin in the garage, and detached garages present a very enticing target as they are usually close to an alley, offering a convenient avenue for escape.

While it is true that home break-ins normally happen during broad daylight, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm when adults are most likely to be at work and the kids at school, it is also true that burglars prefer easy targets. An easy target is one that has:

  • Low street visibility
  • Homes with no sign of security systems or features
  • Visible signs of decay or disrepair
  • Unsecured doors or windows
  • Side or back doors that are easy to breach

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3 Tips for Garage Door Safety

 Posted on February 14, 2020 in Uncategorized

For many homes in the United States, the garage door is one of the largest pieces of moving machinery on the property. While a garage door may be viewed by homeowners as nothing more than an entryway, it is important to understand that there are a variety of hazards involved in using this equipment. Although any person can be the victim of a garage door injury, children generally face a higher risk. As a homeowner, there are several steps that you can take to improve safety around your garage door:

Conduct a Visual Inspection

As simple as it sounds, it is a good idea to conduct regular examinations of your home and garage structure to ensure that everything is safe and up to code. When inspecting a garage door, there are many areas of concern that should be checked. For example, you should routinely check springs, cables, rollers, and pulleys for any signs of damage or wear. If any of these items need to be replaced, a garage building professional should be contacted immediately, as uncorrected problems can lead to additional damage or the possibility of an injury.

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How Can a Garage Upgrade Raise My Home’s Property Value?

 Posted on February 05, 2020 in Uncategorized

Believe it or not, upgrading your garage can definitely boost the overall value of your property, if you do it right. Prospective buyers like to see a garage that is finished, neat, and organized. It may not be what seals the deal, but it is certainly a point in your favor. On the other hand, a garage that is filthy, cluttered, and unfinished will often prove a real turn off. Here are some garage renovations that could have a positive effect on your home's market value:

Finishing Your Garage

A finished garage is one with the rafters concealed, good lighting, insulated walls, high-quality windows, and paint and trim that makes the space a clean, bright extension of your home rather than a dingy afterthought. The thing to remember here is that finishing a garage can be expensive, depending on the state of the existing garage, and it is not necessarily something you should consider right before putting your house on the market. A good-looking, finished garage is a selling point, but it is not necessarily a dealmaker, unless your buyer happens to be a car enthusiast who spends a lot of time in the garage.

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Is a Detached Garage Right for Your Home?

 Posted on January 29, 2020 in Uncategorized

If you are a soon-to-be or current homeowner, you may need to make decisions about how you will use your garage or whether you will need to make any renovations. Depending on your personal preferences and your family's needs, you may need to determine the style of garage that you plan to have on your property. While some people may choose to have a garage attached to their home, others may make their garage a free-standing structure. Before embarking on a garage construction project, it is important to discuss your plans and goals with a trained professional.

Benefits of a Detached Garage

If you are looking to create separation between different parts of your home, a detached garage could be the perfect answer. A garage that is separated from your house could be:

  • Converted into a stand-alone unit and living space that can be used by guests or rented to a tenant.
  • An appropriate storage location for lawn, gardening, and snow removal equipment, bicycles, tools, and other items.

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How Can I Deal With Snow and Ice in and Around My Garage?

 Posted on January 22, 2020 in Uncategorized

In the Chicago area, winter weather can cause a great deal of difficulty for homeowners, drivers, and even people who just want to walk outside safely. When snow piles up on your roof, vehicles, driveway, and the walking surfaces around your home, clearing it away so you can walk and drive safely can be a difficult task. Ice can be even worse, creating slipping hazards that may not be easy to see and potentially damaging your garage and your home. However, if you are prepared to deal with the effects of cold weather, you can prevent damage and clear away hazards quickly and efficiently.

Keep Snow Removal Equipment on Hand

You probably have tools such as snow shovels or a snowblower that you use to clear snow from your driveway and walkways, but they are not always easily accessible. By storing these items near the entrance of your garage, you can be sure that you will be ready to clear away snow when you first open your garage in the morning or when you arrive at home in the evening. You can also help prevent the accumulation of ice by sprinkling rock salt or ice melt on the surfaces before a snowstorm or when temperatures are about to drop.

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3 Things to Keep in Mind Before Renovating Your Garage

 Posted on January 15, 2020 in Uncategorized

As a homeowner, you might be considering a garage renovation project that will allow you to increase your overall space, customize a specific area, or upgrade a part of the structure. However, before embarking on this type of project, you will want to be sure to understand how much work will be needed. Depending on the extent of the renovations, the overall process could be longer and more in-depth than what you originally anticipated. While it is always advised to get the opinion of a qualified contractor before undertaking a construction project, you can begin preparing for a renovation by considering the following:

How Do You Want to Use Your Garage?

First and foremost, it is important to have a clear understanding of what you want your garage to be. Your options for a garage renovation are limitless, and they could range from creating a personal gym to adding a new living area to your home. However, the choices you make may have unforeseen consequences. For instance, if you plan to convert your garage into a home office, this can cause difficulties with parking your car or storing your outdoor items. Understanding how your planned use of your garage will affect other parts of your home can help you decide the extent of your renovations and determine whether you need to make adjustments to other parts of your home.

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How Can a Garage Construction Project Benefit My Home?

 Posted on January 08, 2020 in Uncategorized

The everyday garage is often overlooked and underutilized, and it is typically viewed as a cold, uninhabited storage location for vehicles and appliances. Depending on your needs and preferences, a garage renovation project could provide significant benefits for your home. There are many options available that can help fulfill your specific needs, ranging from a size increase to an interior makeover. In the current housing market, a custom garage may be the perfect option if you are looking to make a change and increase the value of your home. A new garage can offer many positive changes, including:

Increased Space

By expanding the size of your garage, you will have a variety of different options for how you can use the additional space. For example, your garage could be used as a home office, personal gym, or party area. In addition, your garage could be transformed into a living space for a family member or guest. If the area is going to be frequently used by people throughout the year, it may be wise to add insulation and weather stripping to ensure that you can maintain a comfortable temperature.

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Is My Garage’s Weather Stripping in Need of Replacement?

 Posted on December 26, 2019 in Uncategorized

In order to keep your garage comfortable and protected year-round, the use of weather stripping is imperative. By reducing the likelihood of flooding, keeping out pests or insects, and maintaining your preferred temperature, a garage door seal does more than you might realize. Although it is typically not an area of concern for many garage owners, the status of your weather stripping should be routinely checked. Upon inspection, the sight of rips, holes, warped material, or discolored sections could mean a replacement is needed. Before any action is taken, a garage renovation expert should be consulted.

Different Ways to Test Your Door Seal

You should understand what to look for when determining the status of your garage's weather stripping, as an incorrect conclusion could result in an unneeded repair or replacement. Alongside a visual inspection for any wear-and-tear, you can use several different methods to see if the stripping is in working order. For example, an airtight seal can be tested by:

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3 Signs That Your Garage Siding May Need to be Replaced

 Posted on December 18, 2019 in Uncategorized

For many garage owners, the installation of new siding is not a renovation that is at the top of their list of priorities. However, inclement weather conditions and longevity can leave a garage's siding in desperate need of replacement. Considering the amount of damage that cracks, holes, and warped siding can cause to the structure of a garage, property owners should routinely conduct inspections. There are several indicators that can help determine whether new siding is needed:

Holes and Water Damage

As previously mentioned, if it is discovered that your garage siding is not in good condition, it is possible that additional damage may occur. Tiny holes in your siding are typically caused by animals or insects. In addition, breaks in your siding can also provide an entryway for water, snow, and mud. Bubbles may start to appear just under the surface of your siding if moisture is trapped. Water damage can lead to mold, fungus, or mildew, and it is an immediate sign that siding needs to be replaced.

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3 Easy Steps to Turn Your Garage into a Personal Gym

 Posted on December 11, 2019 in Uncategorized

Physical fitness can be an important aspect of our everyday lifestyles. Depending on your schedule, your circumstances, and other factors outside of your control, belonging to a gym or exercising outdoors may not always be possible. If you are looking to incorporate a workout into your day but wish to do so in the privacy of your own home, renovating your garage to turn it into a space for exercise may be your answer. To maintain your garage's curb appeal while maximizing your workout, several steps can be taken to create your perfect garage gym.

Understand Your Space

Before a renovation project begins, it is important to consider every factor. Your garage may provide valuable space to park vehicles and store miscellaneous items. Do you want to convert your entire garage into a gym, only use a portion of the space, or add additional room for gym equipment? Clearing out your garage and understanding how much space you have can help with the decision-making process. In addition, having an idea of what workout equipment you want and the amount of space it will take up can help you ensure that your garage gym will meet your needs.

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