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What Are the Benefits of Converting My Garage Into a Home Gym?

 Posted on May 06, 2020 in Uncategorized

Now that Governor Pritzker has extended the Illinois Stay-at-Home Order through the end of May, you may want to give some thought into ways of making your garage more livable. One of the many ways to do this is to convert your garage into a home gym. You could be creative and resourceful, putting together a makeshift workout room with what you already have, or you could look to create a custom garage that includes a functional, fully-featured gym. Whichever you decide, here are some of the best features you could add to a home gym in your garage:

3 Best Features of a Home Gym in Your Garage

In California, early in the state's Shelter-in-Place policies, a Costa Mesa gym decided to bring the gym to its members-and even its non-members. They brought their equipment to people's garages, and they even commandeered equipment from other gyms or rec centers to help their patrons. Then, they used Zoom to coach and train people on using the equipment in their new garage gyms. Soon, the gym had expanded its business into manufacturing. The point of all this is, if your regular gym is closed due to the Stay-at-Home Order, you can use some ingenuity to figure out ways to keep working out in a gym-like setting. Here are some of the best features that you might want to consider including in your garage gym:

  1. Racks, Shelving, and Other Efficient Uses of Space-When you are deciding what type of equipment you would like to include in your garage gym, be mindful of the size of your garage. Most garages are smaller than the average gym, so you will not want to include too much equipment. However, one way to maximize the equipment in your garage gym without having things get too cluttered is to employ racks, shelving, and other creative uses of space. You could select exercise equipment that can be mounted from above (pull-up bars, rings, etc.). You could also store weights and other equipment on shelves and racks mounted on the walls when they are not in use, saving much-needed floor space for your workouts.
  2. Motivational Tools-Installing a TV or stereo in your garage will give you something to watch or listen to while you work out. This can keep you motivated and make your workout more exciting. You could also consider posting progress charts and calendars on the walls to keep track of your workouts.
  3. Enhancements to the Atmosphere-From painted walls and special flooring to energized lighting and comfortable climate control, you can take steps to make sure your exercise space is more like a gym than a garage. To do this, you can dress up the walls and brighten the lights to improve your mood and motivation. Make sure to choose the proper flooring for the types of exercises you will be doing. Also, depending on the usual temperature in your garage, you might need to make adjustments to air conditioning or heating, including installing HVAC systems or simply using fans or heaters.

Contact a DuPage County Custom Garage Expert

While you are required to stay at home, you can use this time to become more physically fit. By making your garage into a home gym, you can make sure you are getting the most out of the space in your home. OurDowners Grove garage renovation professionals can help you build a custom garage that meets your family's needs. Contact Blue Sky Builders, Inc. at 630-852-8485 to learn more.

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