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Converting Your Garage into a Haunted House for Halloween

 Posted on October 07, 2020 in Uncategorized

The fall season is upon us, which means changing tree colors, pumpkin-flavored everything, and all the festivities that come with Halloween. Trick-or-treating may look a little different this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with local communities issuing certain restrictions. Some cities and towns are leaving it up to residents to decide if they want to participate in this tradition, but regardless, safety precautions, including wearing face coverings, are recommended to protect little ghouls and goblins as well as adults handing out candy. Some families may opt to stay at home and have their own Halloween gathering, or they may invite a few neighbors over for a socially-distanced get-together. If you want to take your party up a notch, consider turning your garage into a haunted house with the following recommendations. You will have a blast and you might just be the talk of the town!

Put Your Creative Thinking Cap On

Before embarking on this endeavor, clean out your garage space or put items away using built-in shelving or plastic bins that can keep your possessions organized. Hooks or cabinets can be good for storing large or bulky items, such as bicycles, scooters, or sports equipment. Have the whole family join in and make it a weekend project. One great idea is to make a haunted maze by utilizing the space in your driveway and garage interior while parking your vehicles on the street temporarily. Creating a spooktacular scene does not need to break the bank. Get crafty with items you have laying around the house or garage:

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Top Tips for Organizing Your Garage to Maximize Space

 Posted on September 23, 2020 in Uncategorized

You may have been putting off cleaning out your garage , but there is no time like the present to get started on this project. In the Chicagoland area, fall provides the perfect climate to take on this task while the weather is still nice before the brutal winter comes. Although organization may not be at the top of your to-do list, it is essential in order to get the most out of your garage space. There are many products on the market for organizing all the items you want to keep in your garage, including tools, toys, holiday decorations, and more. To maximize what your garage has to offer, everything should have a place so items are easier to find, and they are not taking up unnecessary space. So set aside a weekend for you and the family to get this done; you will not regret it!

Steps for Creating a Clean Garage Space

It is important to carefully consider the best way to organize your garage before you tackle a project such as this. It takes time to do it properly, so do not rush or think you can get it done in one afternoon. Below are a few ways that you can complete the process of cleaning out your garage to make sure you are getting the most use out of it:

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What Type of Paint Is Best for My Garage Remodel?

 Posted on September 16, 2020 in Uncategorized

Many people use their garages for more than just housing their vehicles. A garage space can serve multiple purposes. For instance, it can be a work area for building or repairing cars or household appliances. A garage can also be converted into a recreational room for teenagers to hang out with friends, or even an office space for homeowners who are working remotely. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many Illinois residents have spent more time at home and thus may be thinking about renovating their garages to fit this stay-at-home lifestyle. One item that may be overlooked when starting construction or remodeling is paint. Selecting the appropriate type of paint is critical for both the outside and the inside of your garage.

Picking Out Paint Is More Than Just Choosing a Color

It can be exciting to pick out new paint colors, whether it is for your garage's shingles, shutters, siding, or interior walls. Outdoor paint must stand up against the Chicago area's extreme weather, from hot and humid in the summer to sub-zero temperatures and blizzard conditions in the winter. However, the first step is understanding which kind of paint is appropriate depending on how you are going to use your garage:

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What Type of Lighting Should I Use for My Garage?

 Posted on September 09, 2020 in Uncategorized

When building or remodeling your house and garage, there are many issues to address and decisions to make. From the color of the siding and roof shingles to the flooring material and garage door, it is crucial to research your options to make the best choices. One critical item to consider is lighting. During a garage remodel, you may want to think about the type of outside lighting in addition to the lights that will be installed inside the garage. Outdoor lighting can act as a safety measure to deter break-ins, while indoor lighting can be critical if your garage is being used for work-related tasks or vehicle repairs. Regardless of how your garage is going to be used, there are many different sizes, makes, and models of light fixtures that can enhance the look and feel of your garage space.

Exterior Lighting

Outdoor garage lights can add aesthetic appeal to your home, but they also serve a functional purpose. You can install mounted fixtures on both sides of your garage door, or above it. In addition, you may want to ensure that lighting illuminates the surrounding driveway and sidewalk areas.

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What Are the Advantages of Installing Windows in My Garage?

 Posted on September 02, 2020 in Uncategorized

A garage often acts as a multi-purpose structure for many homeowners. Not only is it a safe place to house your vehicles, but you can use it to store gardening tools, bicycles, motorcycles, holiday decorations, or your children's outdoor toys. Your garage also impacts your curb appeal when someone comes knocking, as it may be the first section of your home that visitors or passersby see from the street. An easy way to enhance the look of your garage overall is to add windows. Although many garages may already have a window or two on the side or back of the building, additional windows can be added in these areas or above the garage door. Windows are visually appealing, and they can provide more natural light if you use your garage for other purposes, such as a workshop or for game night with friends or neighbors. Any kind of window also makes the space feel bigger and brighter.

Choosing a Window Type

One of the main reasons that you might consider adding garage windows is their aesthetic appeal. If you are renovating your home, windows can give the garage a fresh new look. A recent and popular trend is decorative windows that match the windows on your home. For example, grids may divide the windows into smaller panes.

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What Is the Best Type of Roofing Material for My Garage?

 Posted on August 26, 2020 in Uncategorized

Similar to your house, a garage is a structure that should be built to last and provide adequate protection for your vehicles, tools, bicycles, motorcycle, or anything else you wish to keep in it. Garages may be constructed of a combination of wood, siding, and brick, and they usually have a concrete floor. Although you may not have put much thought into your garage's roof, it is essential to make sure it is made with durable materials to endure the elements that Mother Nature may throw its way. At Blue Sky Builders, Inc., we can help you explore your options for choosing roofing material when remodeling or constructing a new garage.

Considering Wear and Tear

The Chicagoland area is known for its extreme weather throughout the seasons. A roof on any building must be able to withstand rain, snow, sleet, hail, heat, humidity, and sub-zero temperatures. Many people store their prized possessions in their garages, such as antique cars, expensive tools, and high-end lawn mowers or tractors. That is why it is so important to carefully consider the garage's construction, including what the roof is made of. Nobody wants the roof collapsing or caving in after accumulation of heavy snow after a blizzard. Roofing material needs to be strong enough to take a beating.

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Common (and Not-so-Common) Garage Invaders in Illinois

 Posted on August 19, 2020 in Uncategorized

With the seasons changing and the weather proving to be persistent in its unpredictable shifting over the last several months, the likelihood of unwelcome visitors in your garage increases. It is important to know the types of creatures to be on the lookout for. This will not just prevent them from invading your garage now, but it will also help you determine whether a custom garage or garage remodeling project can help ensure that those uninvited guests do not make themselves at home in your garage.

Squirrels, and Termites, and Mice, Oh My!

A wide variety of pests, rodents, and other unsavory creatures can take up residence in your garage without you even realizing it, especially when the weather changes drastically. It is bad enough that many of them could do damage to your garage and what is in your garage, including your car. For example, rats and mice have been known to congregate under the hood of a parked car near the motor to help them stay warm in the winter. Some animals may even get more adventurous and brazen, attempting to break the barriers between your garage and home. Before long, you will have flies buzzing around your head in your kitchen or mice hiding under floorboards in your living room.

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What Are the Benefits of Adding a Second Floor to My Garage?

 Posted on August 12, 2020 in Uncategorized

A garage is an important part of your home. Although you may not put much thought into it when you purchase your dream house, it really is a vital component that is typically used on a daily basis. Whether you plan to use it as a safe place to put your vehicles or for storing other important items, you might want to consider the size of your garage. In many cases, a three-car garage is used to store two automobiles, and the third section is for storage. However, as families grow and accumulate things, you can quickly run out of room even with a large garage. If you are short on land space, the best option might be to build up on your garage rather than out. Putting on an addition such as a second floor to your garage can seem daunting, but the garage specialists at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. can help you with this wise investment.

Multi-Purpose Space

Regardless of whether you have an attached or detached garage, it may be possible to add on to it by building a second story. With so many people working from home as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, another level in your garage can make the perfect home office if you do not already have one. Since it is connected to the garage, it is separated from the house, which ensures privacy. Adding windows allows for natural light in while you work, keeping it bright and airy compared to working in a dark and dingy basement.

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How Worried Should I Be About Someone Breaking into My Garage?

 Posted on August 05, 2020 in Uncategorized

This summer, home burglaries and car robberies are on the rise in the Western suburbs. While many of these thefts are the result of homeowners and car owners simply being negligent or careless, leaving doors unlocked or keys in doors, there are some instances when the instigators are actually quite clever. Here are some ways these thieves might try to use your electric garage door opener and its related equipment to gain entry to your garage.

4 Common Types of Garage Break-ins to Safeguard Against

Even if you are cautious about locking up, there are still ways criminals can break into your garage these days. Some of the more increasingly common ways that burglars are breaking into garages include:

  1. Gaining Access to the Emergency Release Rope-With enough dexterity and ingenuity, a burglar can use a hanger or some other tool to reach over your garage and get access to the emergency release rope. From there, a simple yank will make that door easy to open. To prevent this, consider repositioning or removing the release rope so that it is out of reach.

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Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Make Your Garage a Playroom

 Posted on July 30, 2020 in Uncategorized

When it comes to being a parent, the last thing you want to do is spoil your children. You want them to learn important life skills and build their character by allowing them to face forms of adversity. However, during these times, your parenting values may have shifted. While remodeling your garage or building a custom garage solely to accommodate your children's playroom might seem like an unnecessary or frivolous pursuit, the truth is that you might be surprised at how useful such an upgrade can be during these unprecedented times.

3 Reasons to Convert Your Garage into a Playroom

Here are some productive ways a garage playroom can actually help your children's development, and your family's overall functioning, during this time and into the future:

  1. Avoiding Distractions: With the public health crisis far from over and the possibility of virtual schooling again in the fall, figuring out ways to keep your children occupied is critical. In fact, many employers are still encouraging work-from-home policies to ensure the health and safety of their employees as their businesses re-open. As many parents have learned over the last several months, working at home while fending off your children's boredom - and potentially disruptive behavior - is no easy task. Giving them a place of their own to play will keep them secluded and busy when you have that important video conference or telephone call for work.

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