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How to Prevent Break-Ins in Your Garage

 Posted on May 19, 2021 in Uncategorized

The thought of criminals breaking in to your garage can be very frightening. If someone accesses your garage, they could not only steal or damage valuable items, but they could also gain access to your home and threaten the safety of your family. Fortunately, you can take measures to reduce the possibility of break-ins and ensure that your garage and home are fully secure.

Methods for Improving Garage Security

Some great ways you can make sure your garage is protected from break-ins include:

  • Install a smart garage door opener - Some thieves may have tools allowing them to access older garage door openers, or a person may steal a garage door opener remote that is in a vehicle parked outside of a garage. Modern electric garage door openers use the latest encryption technology to prevent unauthorized entry. Some garage door openers may allow you to open your garage door using a smartphone app, eliminating the possibility that your remote could be stolen.

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How Can I Deal With Termite or Pest Infestations in My Garage?

 Posted on May 12, 2021 in Uncategorized

For many homeowners, few things are more worrisome than an infestation of termites, carpenter ants, or other pests. These insects can cause considerable damage to the structure of a home and garage, as well as items inside a home, such as furniture, cabinets, or shelves. Homeowners will want to be aware of signs that pests are present in their home, and by repairing any damage caused by these pests, they can ensure that their home will not lose any value.

Recognizing the Signs of a Pest Infestation

Subterranean termites live underground, and they may eat the wood within a home's structure. Drywood termites may build colonies within the wooden parts of a home or inside other wood objects such as furniture. Carpenter ants may also build nests within wood, digging out tunnels that weaken a home's structure.

There are several different types of signs that pests have infested a home. Subterranean termites will often create tunnels made of mud that connect their underground colonies with sources of food, and these tunnels may be found on the outside of a home or inside a home or garage near the foundation. Damage to wood may also be noticeable, particularly in mazelike patterns carved by insects, and termites and carpenter ants may leave wood chips and droppings (known as "frass") in areas where they have burrowed into wood. Termite damage may also include buckling or swollen floors or ceilings, similar in appearance to water damage.

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3 Things You Should Consider When Using Your Garage as a Gym

 Posted on May 05, 2021 in Uncategorized

Regular exercise can be beneficial for everybody. However, many people fail to get the necessary exercise simply because they do not have easy access to workout facilities or equipment. If you are looking to get in shape and promote your family's health and well-being, you may want to create a space where you can exercise regularly and store workout equipment. Your garage may be the perfect place to create your own gym. By following these tips, you can get the most out of your space and make sure you and your family will be ready to improve your health:

  1. Make sure you have the space you will need - The biggest problem that many people face when creating a garage gym is finding enough space. Since garages are usually used for storage, items can accumulate, and the space may become cluttered, making it difficult to move around freely. You will likely want to clean out your garage, get rid of unneeded items, and create storage solutions that will free up the space you need.

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5 Creative Garage Storage Solutions for the Spring

 Posted on April 28, 2021 in Uncategorized

When the weather warms up in the spring, many homeowners choose to begin cleaning and reorganization projects. The garage is often the part of the home that needs the most attention, since items tend to pile up in this area. The floor and other parts of a garage may need cleaning due to the snow and mud that was tracked in during the winter, but first, space will often need to be cleared. To do so, homeowners may want to consider new storage solutions that will increase the usable space in their garage and make sure they can keep things well-organized.

Innovative Ideas for Garage Storage

Many garages have some basic storage solutions, such as wire shelves or stacks of bins. However, these are not always ideal, and it is not always easy to find or access items. If you are looking to begin a reorganization project, you may want to consider some of the following creative solutions:

  • Track system - Large tools and gardening equipment can sometimes be awkward to store. By mounting tracks on the walls of your garage, you can use hooks that slide horizontally, allowing you to make room for long-handled items such as rakes, shovels, weed whackers, as well as wheelbarrows, weed sprayers, or ladders.

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When Do I Need to Replace My Electric Garage Door Opener?

 Posted on April 21, 2021 in Uncategorized

Your garage door is probably one of the most frequently-used entrances to your home. When you open and close your garage door multiple times every day, this can put a lot of wear and tear on your electric garage door opener. As with any mechanical device, extensive use can cause your garage door opener to stop functioning properly, or it may break down altogether. If you have been using the same garage door opener for many years, you may be wondering whether it is time to replace or upgrade this essential piece of equipment.

Top Reasons to Get a New Garage Door Opener

You may want to consider replacing your garage door opener if:

  • Your garage door does not open properly - If your garage door opens very slowly or sometimes stops halfway or fails to open at all, this is likely a sign that your garage door opener has broken down and needs to be replaced. In some cases, these issues may be related to problems with the garage door spring or safety sensors, and fixing this equipment may resolve the problem.

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What Is the Best Type of Siding to Use for My Garage?

 Posted on April 14, 2021 in Uncategorized

As the weather warms up during the spring, you may be looking to make improvements to your home or garage. If the exterior of your garage is looking worn, you may be considering replacing the siding. This type of garage renovation can not only improve the appearance of your home, but it can provide you with other benefits, such as better energy efficiency. By looking at factors such as price, durability, and maintenance requirements, you can choose the type of garage siding that will meet your needs both right now and in the years to come.

Siding Material Options

There are many different materials and types of siding available, and some of the most common options used by homeowners include:

  • Vinyl siding - This is one of the most popular choices for homeowners, since it is inexpensive and easy to install and does not require very much maintenance. However, the material may crack due to temperature changes in the winter, and colors can fade due to sunlight. Sections of siding that are damaged can usually be replaced easily and inexpensively.

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Should I Repair or Replace My Garage Door?

 Posted on April 07, 2021 in Uncategorized

As you and your family live in your home, you are going to see some wear and tear, especially in areas that are used often. Since your garage door is one part of your home that gets used daily, it may have begun to look a bit worn, or it may not be functioning as well as you would like. As you determine what you need to do to make sure your garage door opens and closes properly and provides an appealing look to your home, you will need to decide whether you can make some repairs to the door and its systems or whether the garage door should be replaced entirely.

Garage Door Repairs

The damage to your garage door may be relatively minor, or you may simply need to deal with cosmetic issues. In some cases, a new coat of paint can spruce up your garage door nicely and help you make sure your home looks nice. Minor damage such as dings or dents may be addressed by replacing a single panel of the garage door. If your garage door is sagging on one side or is not opening properly, you may need to perform maintenance on the garage door opener or repair or replace hardware such as springs, cables, rollers, tracks, or sensors. Addressing these types of issues can add life to your garage door and ensure that it will continue to function properly.

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Tips for Turning Your Garage into a Guest House

 Posted on March 24, 2021 in Uncategorized

Now that COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed across the nation, more and more people are eager to travel and visit their loved ones. Whether you have relatives or friends planning to stay at your house, you may wish you had more room for overnight guests. If you are short on bedroom space in your house or basement, another potential option worth considering is your garage . Regardless of your budget for home improvements such as this, with the help of a dedicated garage builder, you can find the right fit for you and your family.

Form Fits Function

Depending on the size and layout of your garage, you may want to utilize all of its space or just a section of it. For example, if it is a three-car garage, but you only have two cars, that additional area may be the perfect size for housing guests who come to visit. If your garage has a second floor or attic-like space, that can be turned into a bedroom, and you can continue to use the bottom level to park your vehicles and store items. Even if you do not plan on hosting many guests, you can enhance your garage space to make it your own private getaway for reading a book, taking naps, sewing, making crafts, or watching TV.

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Great Ideas for Adding Beautiful Landscaping Around Your Garage

 Posted on March 17, 2021 in Uncategorized

Now that spring is upon us, you are likely itching to spend some time outdoors as temperatures begin to warm up and the gray skies clear, allowing for some much-needed sunshine and Vitamin D! You may be thinking about what kind of gardening you would like to do. This may include ripping out old or dead shrubs along the front of your house or driveway and planting new greenery. But have you thought about landscaping around your garage ? Even if your garage is set back from the street, and you think no one will notice, adding shrubbery and flowers around it can really "spruce" (pun intended) up its look.

Adding Greenery Can Enhance Your Garage's Look

Certain types of plants are more conducive to the Midwest weather, which can include a lot of rainfall and hot, humid temperatures in the summer. Hostas are a popular plant for outdoor spaces, and they can thrive in the shade of big trees. In addition, there are certain plants that can help ward off pesky bugs in the springtime and summer. For example, mosquitoes do not like marigolds.

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Top Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Garage

 Posted on March 10, 2021 in Uncategorized

With warmer weather here, many people are looking forward to getting outside for exercise or house projects that they may have put off during the winter. There is no time like the present to take on a task such as cleaning out your garage space. Although garages are one of the most frequently used spaces in a home, they can also be the most cluttered. According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, 50 percent of homeowners stated that their garage was their home's most unorganized area. Below are some tips for clearing out your garage to create a more functional space for however you want to use it.

Everything in its Place

There is an old saying that "There is a place for everything and everything in its place." For neat freaks, this means that when things are put away in a designated spot, there tends to be less clutter. The first step in getting organized is to take inventory of what you have so you know what and how much you are dealing with. Here are some practical ways to begin cleaning out your garage:

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