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Advantages of Garage Cabinets and What To Know Before Purchasing

 Posted on August 02, 2021 in Uncategorized

Garages are often used for storage purposes. It is often overlooked how important organization is in regards to the effectiveness of that storage capability. An advantageous method of garage storage and organization is the installation of cabinets. The completion of a garage does not require cabinets, however, garage cabinets provide a modern look for your space while also providing a protective place to store your belongings.

Additional common reasons for installing garage cabinets include:

  • Improved garage space
  • Equipment organization
  • Simple and protective storage of equipment and tools
  • Add value to your home

Which Type of Garage Cabinet is Right for You?

There are a wide variety of garage cabinets available on the market and each one has advantages and disadvantages.

If your kitchen was recently remodeled, you may be interested in recycling your old kitchen cabinets for your garage. While this is an affordable and environmentally friendly approach, recycled kitchen cabinets will not be able to hold as heavy as products (such as paint cans, automobile parts, and metal tools) or appropriately handle garage climates.

Another affordable option for garage cabinets is molded plastic cabinets. These are often designed specifically for garage use and come in many different shapes and sizes to accommodate a variety of items. An advantage to this type of cabinet is that they are often waterproof and easy to clean.

If a homeowner wants the most durable cabinets for their garage, they may be interested in metal cabinets. These are likely the most expensive option, but also the most effective option when it comes to protecting your belongings from climate exposure and insects.

Guidelines To Follow When Picking Out Garage Cabinets

Before making any decisions in terms of what cabinets you want to add to your garage, there are some factors you may want to consider.

It is recommended that garage cabinets have back panels. Additionally, homeowners may want to consider adjustable cabinets in order to better take advantage of space and cabinet functionality.

When looking into the best cabinets for your garage, you may want to consider if there will ever be small children in close proximity with any dangerous items or chemicals that are stored in the garage. If so, locks or cabinets with locking capabilities should be at the top of your list.

Lastly, any garage owner who wants to install cabinets should take the time and effort to carefully measure out their space. Obviously, your cabinets should fit well in the given space. Furthermore, you will want to make sure you still have full access and functionality to your cabinets when a vehicle is parked inside the garage.

Contact Our Downers Grove Garage Renovation Professionals

Given the right resources and effort, garages can make for an advantageous addition to your home. Cabinets can be an extremely effective way to organize your garage, protect your important possessions, and keep dangerous products out of reach. Our Dupage County garage renovation professionals will help you find the right cabinets for your family and your space. Contact our team today at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. by calling 630-852-8485.

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