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How to Clean Your Garage Floor

 Posted on October 26, 2016 in Uncategorized

In order to keep up the appearance of your garage, an important task is maintaining a clean floor. Before picking up a mop or other supplies, you should find out what material your garage floor is made out of, the extent of how dirty the surface is, and the kind of cleaning equipment you want to use. Once you know the floor's material, you can then purchase the appropriate cleaning accessories and construct a plan to maintain a well-kept garage floor. Consider the following before cleaning your garage floor:

Remove everything that is not anchored down.
This is an important first step because if the items are not moved out of the way, they may suffer from water damage or could simply be in the way when you are trying to clean the floors. Once the majority of the floor is clear, the application of the cleaner can begin.

Choose the necessary cleaning equipment.
There are key cleaning supplies to use when removing dirt and stains from your garage floors such as concrete degreaser, a deck brush, and a garden hose that has a high-pressure nozzle. Tide laundry detergent may be used as a substitute if you do not have access to degreaser.

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Pros and Cons of Garage Door Materials

 Posted on October 20, 2016 in Uncategorized

When the time comes to start building or redesigning your garage, you will be presented with a variety of styles and options. Deciding what will be the best garage materials may be challenging, especially perhaps the most important piece of the building: the garage door. Garage doors are available in several different types of materials, some of which are more well-known than others. There are pros and cons to each material depending on what you want the overall purpose of your garage to be.

Steel Garage Doors
Pros - These doors are reasonably priced, stable, low maintenance, and are available in multiple styles with or without insulation.
Cons - A steel garage door can be dented easily and is subject to corrosion.

Aluminum Garage Doors
Pros - This material has long-lasting finishes and is similar to steel, but is less expensive.
Cons - Aluminum is less expensive than steel which usually means it is more likely to dent and does not last as long as a steel garage.

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Pros and Cons of an Attached vs. Detached Garage

 Posted on October 12, 2016 in Uncategorized

There are various pros and cons to consider when deciding if an attached or detached garage is best for your property. The most important question to ask yourself is: "What will the main use of the garage be?" This can be determined by the number of cars you own, how much storage space you need, and safety exits you wish to provide for your family. There are benefits to both attached and detached garages, however, sometimes the cons can outweigh the pros. You can determine what type of garage is right for your needs after comparing all possible scenarios.

Detached Garage Pros

Detached garages can be customized to your specific needs. Some examples of how you can add your own style to a detached garage include:

  • Adding a patio or deck above the garage to host parties or have people over. When living in a city, space can be limited, so this allows you to add more space if you don't have a back or front yard.

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How to Set Up a Haunted House in Your Garage

 Posted on October 06, 2016 in Uncategorized

October has arrived, and the Halloween spirit is officially in the air. One way you may want to display your haunting decorations is by creating a haunted house in your garage. This could take some forward thinking, so here are a few steps to take in order to attract the neighbors to your ghostly garage.

Plan Ahead

Time can fly by quick like a bat in the night. So, it is important to map out how you want to set up your garage haunted house. This may include how much time it is going to take, how scary the attractions are going to be, the cost of setting everything up, and where you want to purchase supplies. Brainstorm ideas a few months in advance so when the time comes to start transforming your garage this month, you know exactly what to do.

Set a Budget

There is no sense in going to the store to buy brand new decorations if you already have some from years past sitting around in storage. Make a list of what you need and try to find as much as you can before heading off to the Halloween, grocery, or hardware store.

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What to Do When Flying Things Attack Your Garage

 Posted on September 28, 2016 in Uncategorized

Flying things and garages can be a troublesome combination. At best, their presence can mean costly repairs, and it can serve as a loud and annoying nuisance to the homeowner. In the worst of scenarios, winged things in the garage can be dangerous. Learn how you can safely and effectively evict the flying intruders in your garage, and how you can protect your garage from future attacks.

Birds (Swallows, Woodpeckers, and Other Problematic Birds)

While some birds still prefer living in undeveloped areas, away from humans, many others have adapted quite well to the hustle and bustle of our lives. In fact, some actually thrive on the food and shelter we unwittingly provide. House sparrows are a prime example. They make their homes in the eaves and crevices of our homes and eat our discarded food.

In some cases, they are nothing more than a minor annoyance, like when they wake us up in the early morning with their singing. However, they can also pack nesting material into fan and dryer vents, posing a fire or inhalation problem in garages. If swallows are your problem, move their nests as quickly as possible (but only when the nest is free of eggs and young) and then deter them from re-nesting with mesh netting or other appropriate material.

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Common Mistakes When Building a Garage

 Posted on September 22, 2016 in Uncategorized

Homeowners are almost guaranteed to run into obstacles when building a garage, whether it is for the first time or if you are a highly skilled contractor. When deciding on the style and size of the garage you are building, it is important to make sure that it is customized to fit your home. Some common mistakes that may occur during the construction include inexperience, improper permits, zoning issues, the height of the structure, and failure to check for a flood zone.

Work with a Professional

It is important to work with professionals such as the experts at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. when constructing a garage to ensure that everything will go as planned. Your creative ideas for design can be discussed with someone that can tailor the garage to your needs but also follow proper building regulations.

Plan Ahead for Sizing

Before the actual process of constructing your garage, you should consider what size you want it to be. The size of your garage is one of the most important aspects of the planning process. You should consider how large your vehicle is, if you are going to need extra storage room and how much, the walking space, and how much land you have available to build on.

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Help! My Garage Is Flooded

 Posted on September 15, 2016 in Uncategorized

If you have experienced flooding in your garage, you are likely wondering how to proceed. Flooding in your home or garage is problematic for a number of reasons. Excess water can damage the structure and floor of your garage, and any items you have stored there are at risk of being damaged. If you have flood water in your garage, it is best to take action immediately, before any further damage can be done. Additionally, it is a great idea for any garage owner to take extra preventative measures to ensure their garage is flood proof, or at least resistant to water, to keep flood water from doing any future damage. Below, we break down how flood water can damage your garage, the steps you can take to prevent flood damage, and what you should do if you have current flooding in your garage.

Why Is Flooding a Problem?

Floodwater is problematic for a number of reasons. First, floodwater in your garage could damage your belongings. Your vehicles, lawn equipment, and other items stored in your garage are at risk of damage if water reaches them. Additionally, water in your garage can cause major damage to your garage's structure. Walls and floors can be ruined. Wood can warp easily if exposed to excess water. In addition to damage caused, floodwater left untended can lead to mold and all sorts of microbial organisms that can grow in your garage.

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Safety Tips for Entertaining in Your Garage

 Posted on September 07, 2016 in Uncategorized

Although Labor Day has come and gone, many people still enjoy having barbecues, even in the fall. Your garage can be easily converted into a perfect party venue complete with indoor and outdoor access, electricity, room to move, and more. While throwing an event in your garage can be tons of fun, there are some safety concerns to address before having your guests over. Garages can be home to dangerous insects, toxic chemicals, sharp tools, and other safety hazards, so it is important to prepare your space ahead of time. This week, we are exploring a few safety concerns you should address before hosting a party in your garage.

Clear the Clutter

If you have not cleaned your garage in a while, do so before hosting an event in the space. Excess junk and clutter around your garage not only hurts the ambiance of your event, but it can also be a safety hazard. Your guests should be able to move around freely without any risk of tripping or bumping into things. Additionally, make sure that any boxes or items you have stored on shelves are secured and will not fall on your guests. In general, the more you can clear out the area, the better.

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Summertime Garage Sale Tips

 Posted on August 24, 2016 in Uncategorized

Are you considering a summer garage sale? Late summer is a great time to clean house and sell off any unused or unwanted items and earn some extra cash. Many people are out and about enjoying the sunshine, meaning you have a prime market of potential shoppers. Additionally, if you have children, hosting a late summer garage will help you purge any unwanted items like old clothes and sporting gear, all while allowing you to take inventory of what you have for the coming year. Follow our tips below to make the most out of your summertime garage sale.


Garage sales do not require a ton of marketing, but a little advance notice will help draw in a larger crowd. Start by placing signs around your neighborhood. Depending on the size of your community, simple signs may be enough. If you do not have many neighbors nearby, consider putting an ad in a local newspaper or on an online community calendar. Do not forget to include the dates and times of your event, as well as a general overview of the types of items you will be selling. Consider drawing arrows on some of your signs to direct shoppers to your event.

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Convert Your Garage into a Showroom

 Posted on August 17, 2016 in Uncategorized

Garages can be used for so much more than simply storing vehicles. We love watching homeowners get creative with their garages and using their space effectively. We have seen some amazing home gyms, additional living spaces, and workshops all built in converted garages. It is amazing what a little creativity can do to an otherwise neglected garage.

Another option homeowners have is converting their garage into a showroom to display their prized collections. Many Illinois residents have built up large collections of prized items, from classic cars to license plates and more, but finding a safe place to store and display those collections can be difficult. If you are looking to convert your garage into a beautiful showroom to display your prized collection, follow our handy guide below.

Tackle the Clutter

Many people keep their garages full of clutter and hidden from the world. The first step in turning your garage into a beautiful showroom is to tackle the clutter. Depending on the size of your collection, you may need to move everything else out of the garage and into another location. Consider moving your lawn tools and furniture to an additional shed or storage space inside your home. Throw out any items you no longer have a use for. Donate any still usable goods like outgrown bikes and leftover sports equipment.

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