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Planning for a New Garage in 2018

 Posted on January 17, 2018 in Uncategorized

The beginning of a new year is a great time to plan to make changes to your house, your overall property, and your garage. As spring approaches and the weather warms up, this is a great time to consider renovating your garage or building a completely new garage.

When planning for a new or renovated garage, there are many factors to consider, such as style, size, space, materials, and door types. Choosing a garage is not a one-size-fits-all type of situation. Each homeowner should consider their options and determine how to create a garage that will fit their specific needs.

Garage Door Materials

The choice of garage door can come down to what fits the style of your home, but it is important to make sure that your door will provide safety and security while continuing to function correctly throughout its lifetime. Metal and fiberglass garage doors tend to last longer because of their durability. While wooden garage doors are more expensive, they may add property value to your home because of their attractive appearance.

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Tips for Removing Snow from Your Driveway

 Posted on January 10, 2018 in Uncategorized

We are well into the winter season in the Chicago and DuPage County areas, and we have already experienced several weeks of bitter cold and snowy, icy weather. Garages can be greatly affected by winter weather, and keeping your driveway and walkways clear of snow is a major concern. Here are some tips for the best ways to remove snow using either a snow shovel or a snowblower:

Using a Snow Shovel

Shoveling snow can be hard work, but by following these tips, you will be able to clear your driveway effectively:

  • Shovel as snow falls, clearing your driveway and walkways after every few inches of snowfall. Alternatively, you can wait until snow stops falling and shovel it in layers.
  • Only shovel as much snow as you are able to lift comfortably. Trying to lift too much can result in back injuries.
  • Avoid walking on snow before shoveling it, since this can cause the snow to pack and become more difficult to shovel.

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Looking Back at Garage Tips for 2017

 Posted on January 03, 2018 in Uncategorized

2017 was a great year for garage owners in the Chicago and DuPage County area, and at Blue Sky Builders, Inc., we shared a wide variety of tips on how to maintain and clean your garage, keep pests away, make changes or renovations, and much more. As we begin the new year, this is a good chance to look back at some of our best blogs from the past year and use their insights as you prepare your garage for the upcoming seasons.

How to Clean Your Garage After it Floods: Inspired by the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, this blog looks at the steps you should take to clean out your garage and the items stored within it if it has been damaged in a flood.

Preventing a Turkey Fryer Fire in Your Garage This Thanksgiving: The use of deep fryers to cook Thanksgiving turkeys has become more popular in recent years, but they can present a serious fire hazard. We shared some tips for making sure you stay safe and avoid damaging your garage and your home when cooking your Thanksgiving dinner.

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New Year’s Resolutions for Your Garage

 Posted on December 27, 2017 in Uncategorized

We are less than a week away from the new year, but while the cold weather currently has us curled up in our homes to stay warm, now is a good time to begin thinking of ideas to for how to renovate your garage in the spring. Here are a few new year's resolutions for your garage:

Get Organized

Now is a good time to look at your garage space and the objects you store in it and think of good ways to organize your belongings. There are a wide variety of storage options, including metal or plastic shelving, plastic storage bins, or cubbies for toys and equipment. You might also want to consider some innovative ideas such as rails on the ceiling or walls where bins can be stored, rollout shelves or sliding bypass units that maximize the use of space, or special holders for sports equipment and yard tools. Taking the time now to plan how to make the best use of your space can help you create a well-organized garage when the weather warms up.

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Keeping a Detached Garage Warm in the Winter

 Posted on December 20, 2017 in Uncategorized

As the temperature continues to drop in the Chicago area, we are anticipating very cold weather throughout the winter season. If you own a home with a detached garage, you are probably wondering what you can do to keep your garage warm while avoiding high costs. By taking the proper preparations, you can heat your garage in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Insulation and Sealing

It is always a good idea to insulate the walls of a detached garage with fiberglass batt insulation. This insulation should be installed with the backing facing inward toward the garage. This will reduce the chance of fiberglass particles escaping and landing on people's clothes or skin. When installing fiberglass batt, it is a good idea to wear protective gear such as gloves, eye protection, and a dust mask to keep the particles from entering your eyes or mouth or touching your skin.

Caulking is a good way to close up all cracks in the garage that let air inside. The wood around door frames may have warped over several years and will need to be resealed. If you can see any light through cracks when the garage's interior lights are turned off, these cracks should be sealed with silicone caulk.

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Avoiding Garage Damage from Snow and Ice in the Winter

 Posted on December 13, 2017 in Uncategorized

The temperature is dropping outside, and the winter is beginning in earnest, which means that we are likely to experience plenty of snow and ice in the coming months. If you own a home, you will want to watch out for ways that winter weather can wreak havoc on your garage, and you should take steps to protect your garage from damage as efficiently as possible.

How Can Snow, Ice, and Cold Temperatures Affect Your Garage?

Winter conditions can have an adverse effect on your garage, and it is best to address these issues as quickly as possible. During the winter season, any of the following can happen:

  • Contraction of metal or wood frames
  • Hardening of vinyl or rubber
  • Cracking or shattering of plastic
  • Moisture absorption by wood doors
  • Broken garage door springs or cables
  • Bent or misaligned garage door tracking
  • Imbalanced or shifted door weight
  • Excessive strain on garage door opener motors

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Preparing Your Garage for Snowfall

 Posted on December 06, 2017 in Uncategorized

As we enter the winter season, we are likely to experience some snowfall in the upcoming weeks. In the Chicago area and the DuPage County suburbs, the weather can change unexpectedly, so it is best to be ready to clear away snow and ice. As you prepare your garage for the winter months, you should be sure you have everything you need for snow removal, including snow shovels, salt, and snow blowers.

How to Find the Best Snow Shovel for the Winter

A cheap snow shovel will not get you very far. For a good quality snow shovel, you will need to spend at least $35. To determine the ideal snow shovel for your purposes, you will need to consider the shovel's handle, grip, and scoop.

  • Handles: The length of your shovel's handle should depend on how you plan to use it. A short handle allows you to easily throw snow to the side, while a long handle allows you to efficiently push snow. If you plan to do both, a medium length handle may be the best option. You will also want to consider the material of the handle, as a wooden handle is heavy, a metal handle is cold, and a plastic handle often provides a happy medium.

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Preventing a Turkey Fryer Fire in Your Garage This Thanksgiving

 Posted on November 22, 2017 in Uncategorized

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and most families will be enjoying a traditional turkey dinner that they have spent several weeks planning. In recent years, deep frying turkeys has become more common, and some people feel that it is much easier than baking their meal in the oven for at least three hours. While a turkey prepared in a fryer will have crispy skin and sealed juices, and the cooking process only takes about 45 minutes, people should be aware of the risk of fire that comes with frying their turkey. If you are planning to fry a turkey in your garage this Thanksgiving, here are some safety tips that you should follow:

Preventing a Garage Fire on Thanksgiving

To make the Thanksgiving feast as ideal as possible, it is best to avoid using fryers on decks, in garages, or near trees and detached structures. Before cooking, the turkey should be thawed and dry, since cold water mixing into hot oil can cause a fire. If the weather is rainy or snowy, do not use a fryer outside. The fryer should also be placed on a level surface and should be untouched once it is in use.

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How to “Winterize” Your Garage

 Posted on November 15, 2017 in Uncategorized

Winter is coming, and now is the perfect time to get ready for the cold months. In the Chicago area and DuPage County, the weather can abruptly change, and temperatures can vary wildly from day to day. Because of these frequent changes, anything can happen in your garage during the winter months. Here are some ways to prepare your garage for winter so that it will still be in working order by spring:

Get Rid of Mice in Your Garage

During the winter, mice tend to seek shelter inside houses and garages, often entering through holes in the home that have not been covered. If mice get into your garage, there is cause for concern. They can cause serious health problems, as they are very unsanitary. Fortunately, there are several ways to keep mice away from your garage this winter:

  • Spread mousetraps by the walls of your garage or near a suspected access point, using cheese or peanut butter as bait.
  • Spray mouse repellant around the outside of your garage.

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Garage Repair Vs. Garage Renovation: Weighing the Costs and Benefits

 Posted on November 09, 2017 in Uncategorized

It is almost the end of the year, and most of us are making huge plans for the holidays. What many of us have not considered is how we should go about making garage repairs for the upcoming season. There are many factors which can determine whether you may need some quick repairs on your garage, or if you need complete renovations. Weather, which can change abruptly in the Chicago area and DuPage County, can be a factor in that determination, as well as changing storage needs, and the addition of new drivers to the household.

Why Is it Better to Get a Quote for a Garage Repair Now?

Since garage repairs are typically done in the spring, it is best to get a quote for your garage in the fall or winter. This way, you will have an idea of how much a garage repair will cost, and you will have an opportunity to save for such repairs. If your garage needs a few simple repairs, then it is best to decide what needs to be fixed. However, if there are major problems with your garage, then rebuilding might be the best option.

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