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Why Steel Garage Entry Doors Are a Good Choice For Your Home

 Posted on July 09, 2020 in Uncategorized

While you may put a lot of thought into the aesthetics and security features of the front door of your home, you could be neglecting the safety of the internal and external entry doors into your garage. These may not seem as important to you, but the types of doors you choose for your garage can have a significant impact on all sorts of things, from safety to energy usage. The door that we recommend for all homebuilders or fixer-uppers is a steel entry door.

4 Benefits of Steel Garage Entry Doors

There are many benefits to installing steel entry doors in your garage, including the following:

  1. Security-It is much more difficult to break through metal than it is to break through wood or fiberglass. This is especially true for those who have a high-quality, powerful set of keyed dual locks installed with the doors. With or without the additional safety precautions, the strength of the material of these doors typically keeps intruders at bay.
  2. Affordability-Typically, steel doors are the least expensive option for entry doors. And while some might argue this is due to the material's lack of aesthetic appeal, the truth is, with help from the right garage builder, you can actually create an attractive entry door, even with steel as the material. Possible ways to spruce it up include:
    • Diverse paneling options
    • Different colors
    • Ornate door lights
    • Elegant glass windows and other glass inserts
  3. Energy Efficiency and Good Insulation-Most steel entry doors, especially those for residential areas, are not made entirely of steel due to the heaviness of the material. In fact, other than the steel outer-coating, these entry doors often have a similar core as those made of fiberglass. Overall, this makes steel entry doors good at keeping the heat and cold outside, improving both indoor insulation and energy efficiency. Add some magnetic weather stripping and you will be well on your way to effectively braving the elements of inclement weather.
  4. Low Maintenance-Other than the possibility of dents, which are uncommon in residential homes, and rusting, which often takes a long time to occur, steel entry doors are very low maintenance. Other popular alternatives, such as wood and fiberglass can easily rot or crack from changing weather conditions.

Contact a Downers Grove Steel Entry Door Professional

Thinking about replacing your garage entry doors or determining which entry doors to use in your new garage? Call a Chicago-area garage building specialist at 630-852-8485 to discuss your options. With more than 40 years of garage building experience, Blue Sky Builders, Inc. can help you choose the right steel entry doors for your garage, including helping you with the overall design, security, and environmental impact of those doors on your home.


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