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Three Benefits to Building a Garage

 Posted on September 07, 2022 in Uncategorized

There are plenty of reasons to build a garage onto your property. Some of these reasons, such as a structure to protect your vehicle during harsh weather conditions might seem a bit obvious, but there are many other reasons that you may not have considered. The premier garageexperts at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. have the top 3 benefits of building a new garage.

Added Property Value

Most homes today are built with the needs of the homebuyer in mind. A majority, but not all, of homes in suburban areas such as DuPage County are constructed with garages. Older homes or smaller homes may not have had a garage built onto the property. A garage is an important factor that buyers look at when considering purchasing a home. If you are looking to sell your current home in the future, a garage would make the home even more desirable to the buyer.

Additionally, it would also give you a reason to increase the selling price. If you were in a developed neighborhood where many of the homes had street parking and your home had a private garage, that increases the curb appeal that much more. It sets your home apart from the others and helps it stand out.

Additional Storage

No matter the size of a home, the available space for storage seems to disappear. Among some of the harder things to store are larger items that you don't seem to need all of the time. A garage can provide the perfect spot to keep some of those odds and ends you just cannot seem to part with.

A garage can be a great storage spot for:

  • Holiday decorations
  • Baby clothes and strollers for future nieces, nephews, or grandchildren
  • Equipment such as a snowblower that is not needed all year
  • Camping equipment
  • Folding tables and chairs

The trick with using the garage for storage is keeping it organized and not letting the clutter get out of hand. As long as it is used efficiently, the garage is the perfect spot for your rarely used objects.

A Project Space

The average person would not need the outfitting of an auto-repair shop in their garage, but most homeowners do encounter the occasional need to work on aproject that requires some space. Whether sanding and staining a table, repairing a lawn mower, building a chest or learning how to solder, many jobs we undertake as homeowners are not suited to do inside the home. The garage naturally becomes a perfect spot to work on a project that may become a little messy or requires more space to accomplish.

The garage is important and versatile for any homeowner. If you find yourself low on storage space, or in need of a place to work on your child's extensive science project, or you are looking to increase your property value, reach out to our experts at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. To learn more about building a custom garage on your property, contact ourDuPage County custom garage professionals today at 630-852-8485.

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