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Why You May Need to Replace a Garage

 Posted on March 17, 2016 in Uncategorized

Spring is the perfect time to consider updating your garage. How do you know when it is time to rebuild, replace, or remodel? Check out a few signs that may indicate a garage change is right for you.

Your Garage Is No Longer Safe and Efficient

Problems with the structure of your garage can be dangerous. If you have water damage, holes in the roof or walls of your space, or any other structural problems, a garage expert can help you determine if a remodel or rebuild is necessary. You need a space that is safe for your family, and one that stays habitable year round. Additionally, a run down garage will negatively impact the value of your home.

You Want More Living Space

A typical garage accounts for a large amount of a home's total square footage. Whether you are looking for an in-home office, an extra bedroom, or a new workshop, a garage remodel is a great way to add extra living space to your home. Worried about where to park your cars? A detached garage can be built on your property quickly and at a low cost, so you can add extra living space to your home and still have storage for your vehicles.

Need a New Garage Door?

How can you tell when it is time to swap your old garage door out for a newer, more efficient model? Your old door may still work, but is it safe? Does it help boost your curb appeal? Here are a few indicators it may be time for a new garage door:

  • Noise and breakdowns: If your garage door is constantly making noises or breaking down when in use, you most likely need an upgrade. Maintenance may solve the problems temporarily, but frequent repairs can quickly become costly, especially when you add in labor costs and purchasing new parts.
  • The door is no longer efficient: Modern garage doors are great at keeping your space warm in the winter and cool in the summer. A new garage door can help you keep your space habitable year round.
  • Increased curb appeal: No matter how the rest of the front of your home looks, an old, antiquated garage will stick out like a sore thumb. You want a garage door design that matches your home and compliments your facade. Newer garage doors come in a variety of designs, so you can be sure you are doing the most to boost your curb appeal.
  • You are remodeling: If you are converting your garage into additional living space, a new door can be a nice touch. Consider a door with tinted windows or another contemporary design to compliment your new bedroom or office space.

Better Storage Options

Most families rely on their garage for storage. If your current garage is at capacity, rebuilding or remodeling gives you the freedom to customize your storage options. You can build overhead storage, install great shelving units, and ensure your family has the space to store everything you need. Whether your family is growing, or you recently purchased an extra vehicle, a garage update can help.

Boost Your Curb Appeal

Your garage may take up some 40 percent of the front of your home. You want a space that catches eyes, not detracts from your property value. If your garage no longer fits in with the facade of your home, it is most likely time to rebuild or remodel. A garage door replacement can do the trick, but if greater structural changes are needed, a garage specialist can help you determine if a remodel or rebuild is a good option. In both cases, you will have the freedom to ensure your updated garage fits with the aesthetic of your home, helping you boost your property value.

Change Can Be Quick, Convenient, and Cost-Friendly with Blue Sky Builders, Inc.

Whether you are starting from the ground up, or simply making some aesthetic changes, the garage specialists at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. are here to help. We offer innovative garage designs, tear downs of existing structures, creative storage solutions, modern garage door installation, and have great solutions to fit any budget. Visit Blue Sky Builders, Inc. online to see a gallery of our work, and call 630-852-8485 to get started on your dream garage today.

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