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New Year Means a New Garage

 Posted on January 06, 2023 in Uncategorized

A new year can be a time to start fresh and make resolutions to make improvements. Most of these goals for the year may include ways to stay fit, eat better, or read more. Not all your resolutions have to be aimed at yourself, however. Starting a new year can also be the perfect time to improve your garage . In fact, renovating your garage can also be a useful step in helping you achieve other new years goals.

Out with the Old

As we all know, the garage can become a dumping zone for odds and ends very quickly. This seems to be especially true during the winter. Although it is not an exciting task, going through the clutter and getting organized is the first step for bringing your garage into the new year.

  • Sort through tools - Making sure everything has a spot is vital for staying organized. As you go through everything, assess your belongings if you truly need all of them. If there are certain items that you no longer use or have broken, now is the best time to let them go.
  • Making upgrades - Are you out of shelf space? Do you have some lights with burnt-out or dim bulbs? Is your flooring starting to crack or show its age? These are all easy fixes and can set you up for success as you enter the new year. New shelves, better lighting, and an upgrade to the floor can make a world of difference.

In with the New

How you choose to makeover your garage is entirely up to you and how you could use the space. If you have decided this is the year you will get fit and stay active, why not renovate a portion of the garage for a personal gym? Many individuals take a new year to begin new projects such as writing, or artistic endeavors. Bringing in a desk, canvas, and a shelf of supplies is an easy way to spruce up a garage and transform it into a makeshift office.

Another popular New Year's resolution is to start a garden and tend to it over the year. Even as the winds of winter rage outside, you can start your garden inside your garage. Setting up lights and a watering station for some starter plants can give you a head start for when springtime comes.

Start the Year with a DuPage County Custom Garage Builder!

No matter what projects you take on this year, ourDowners Grove garage renovation experts are prepared to help you with whatever you may need. All you have to do is call 630-852-8485 to get connected with Blue Sky Builders, Inc. and transform your garage into a whole new space for a new year!

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