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Lighting Options and Tips for Brightening Your Garage

 Posted on September 24, 2021 in Uncategorized

Those who regularly utilize their garage as a workspace understand how inconvenient poor lighting can be when attempting to complete a project or work on their vehicle. However, any homeowner can face the struggles of insufficient or inappropriate lighting. This is true even when the garage's main purpose is solely to park vehicles. It is important to note that while some garage lighting can be resolved with bulbs of proper wattage, providing a garage with supplemental lighting may require the help of professionals.

Supplemental Lighting Options for Your Garage

Overhead lighting in garages is essential for general use. Supplemental lighting, however, provides a garage with distinct advantages that improve functionality and utilization. When garages are used as workshops and for car maintenance, insufficient lighting should not diminish the outcomes of these activities. Garage lighting may become a noticeable issue in areas such as the workbench, seasonal storage area, space above the garage door, and wall space used for hanging items.

There are several options available in order to provide a garage with adequate lighting for any circumstance and project. Task lights, which are generally very bright, are useful for those who want lighting focused directly on their work areas. These can also be very useful near storage for organizational purposes.

If an inexpensive and portable option is preferred, clamp-on lights are a beneficial option. Clamp-on lights can provide ample illumination for detailed work and smaller projects. They can easily be stored away and then moved for temporary lighting needs later on.

Additionally, there are multiple categories of lighting that may be advantageous for different areas and purposes in a garage:

  • Often used for soft overhead lighting, ambient lighting may help to brighten walls and floors for safe parking and walking.
  • Accent lighting is another lighting category that is often used for the purposes of emphasizing showpieces in a garage.
  • LED lighting is cost-conscious compared to fluorescent bulbs and also provides a garage with even and brighter lighting.

What To Keep in Mind When Adding More Lighting

When planning to supplement a garage with additional lighting, there are some factors to consider before making any final decisions:

  • The garage should be measured to properly determine how much lighting is actually needed.
  • Incandescent bulbs should be swapped for LED or fluorescent equivalents in areas where bright lighting is needed the most
  • To make a garage more economically efficient, it may be beneficial to install motion sensors
  • Natural lighting, through skylights and windows, can also be a great source of supplemental lighting and can reduce a home's lighting and heating utilization

Contact Our Downers Grove Garage Renovation Professionals

Depending on what purposes a garage serves, there may be several different types of lighting required to effectively and efficiently use a garage. Incorporating natural lighting through the use of windows and skylights may be especially challenging. At Blue Sky Builders, Inc. Garage, we understand the benefits of sufficient garage lighting and can assist in equipping your garage with the proper lighting. To contact our Chicago garage renovation professionals, call 630-852-8485 today.

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