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Is It Time to Replace My Garage’s Roof?

 Posted on August 07, 2019 in Uncategorized

Your home requires constant maintenance and upkeep. Throughout the years, various parts of your home and garage will need to be repaired, replaced, or upgraded. If you are particularly handy, you may be able to perform some of these fixes yourself, but there are some home repairs that require an expert. One of the most challenging areas to address is the roof above your garage and home. To ensure that repairs are performed properly, you need a roofing specialist to protect your garage from leaks and other outside elements.

Generally, a roof will need to be repaired between fifteen to twenty years after it was installed. However, things can happen that may force you to perform a repair or replacement sooner than expected. To see if your roof requires repair, there are some signs to look out for:

1. Your Roof Is Leaking

This is a visible sign, but one that can potentially go unnoticed. Leaking occurs when a crack forms between the shingles in your roof. Prolonged leaks or other water-based contaminations can lead to damage in your garage, such as rotten wood. This, in turn, can lead to insects nesting in your home, which can then lead to further infestation and additional bills being paid to exterminators.

2. Your Roof Is Sagging

This can be a further sign of rotten wood in your garage or home. As the wood weakens, it loses its ability to maintain its structural strength. This can lead to parts of the roof sinking in noticeably, and in some instances, the roof may completely collapse.

3. Moss on Your Roof

Moss is another signal that moisture is trapped in your roof. Some may find the appearance of moss appealing, but it is a sign that your roof is no longer protecting your garage from the elements. It can be an indicator that insects are living in your attic or that fungi and bacteria have invaded your garage and/or home. When moss begins to grow, it typically means that a complete replacement of the roof will be required.

Contact Professional Garage Roofers in the Chicago Area

If you have begun to notice leaks, the sagging of your roof, or any other signs that your roof is not well, it is time to contact a team of professional roofers. The Downers Grove garage roofing professionals at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. can meet your roofing repair and replacement needs. For questions about the services we provide, please contact us at 630-852-8485.

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