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How To Keep Your Chicago Area Garage Safe For Your Pet

 Posted on October 17, 2022 in Uncategorized

Your garage has many functions. Whether you use the space for car repair, hobbies such as woodworking, or storage for paints and tools, the garage can be a multi-purpose getaway for you. However, it can also be dangerous for your pet. Many homeowners welcome a furry companion while they work in the garage. You want to be sure that your best friend is safe while accompanying you.

Organization is Key

The best thing you can do for your pet is to keep your garage organized. Check that everything is in its proper spot, ensuring no loose tools or chemicals are lying about. A dog or even a cat seem naturally attracted to items they should not be getting into. Specifically, a garage is often a storage spot for harmful chemicals. Storing these items in the proper methods is your first step to making a safe space for your pet.

Keep Dangerous Chemicals Off of the Ground and in Cabinets

Check the labels of these items for proper storage. Some items such as paint may not be best stored in a garage and would be better stored in a basement out of extreme temperature changes. Consider keeping cleaning materials in cabinets or storage bins that a pet cannot open.

Be Aware of Hiding Spaces

Small dogs and cats can slip into spaces that make them difficult to reach. Try to block off any spots such as these to prevent the pet from entering a tight spot.

Store Dangerous Tools in Proper Spots

Many tools found in a garage are dangerous to humans and pets. Knowing how to handle and store them correctly in a place that an animal cannot reach is vital for everyone's safety. This includes all sorts of tools, not just sharp blades. A heavy wrench stored in the open could be knocked down and harmful to an animal.

Create a Spot Specifically for Your Pet

If you choose to bring your pet out to the garage with you, consider making a space that is specifically for them. Bring a pillow or bed outside and make it comfortable for them. Make a space that has toys they enjoy or something they are familiar with that can occupy them while you work.

Make your DuPage County Garage as Pet Friendly as Possible

Spending time with your pet is always great, but make sure your best friend stays safe and out of trouble while they are by your side. Call the experts at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. at 630-852-8485 to find out how the Downers Grove custom garage builders can make the best space for you and your pet today!

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