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How to Host a Safe New Year’s Eve Party in Your Garage

 Posted on December 30, 2020 in Uncategorized

As a result of the COVID-19 health crisis, people have spent more time at home this past year. This is partly due to federal, state, and local guidelines such as stay-at-home orders. In addition, a lot of employees have been working from home instead of going into an office building. With many area restaurants and bars closed in attempts to combat the virus, people have gotten creative with their get-togethers. In some cases, the garage has become the go-to place for studying, working out, crafting, or playing games. The driveway can also be an extension of this often under-utilized space. For those who want to ring in the New Year, the garage may be the best space to have a New Year's Eve party.

Social Distancing, Holiday Style

By temporarily moving your vehicles out of your garage, this frees up a large, open space, which is ideal for a socially distanced gathering. In addition, you can keep the garage door partially or wide open to allow extra ventilation and air circulation. With the garage door open, guests can spill out into the driveway. Portable fire pits can help keep everyone warm, since the temperatures in Illinois can be frigid in the winter. Heat lamps may also be a wise investment for outdoor entertaining.

You may want to consider preparing for your party by organizing your garage. For instance, you can install hooks or shelving units to better house items such as gardening or vehicle tools. You can also add insulation to make your garage warmer during these cold months. Installing lights or even painting the walls are quick ways to transform your garage into a more inviting space.

Here are a few tips for hosting a safe and successful party in your garage this holiday season:

  • Clean out your garage, making it clutter-free.
  • Place an area rug or carpet remnant on the floor.
  • Arrange one or more tables spaced throughout the garage.
  • Hang sheets or blankets to hide stored items from view.
  • Use space heaters, fire pits, or heat lamps to add warmth.
  • Hand out sanitizer and wipes to each guest as they arrive.
  • Seat people who live in the same household together or space chairs at a distance of 6 feet.
  • Use disposable silverware, plates, and napkins.
  • Play holiday music or your favorite dance/party tunes.
  • Serve pre-packaged or individual-size snacks and drinks.
  • Put a movie on the TV or use the garage door as a screen with a projector.
  • Fill balloons and put up streamers as decorations.
  • Play games that do not require close contact, such as charades.

Contact a DuPage County Garage Specialist

After such a trying year, many people may be looking forward to the end of 2020. If you want to update or enhance your garage to use it for other purposes, it is important to seek the help of professionals. Blue Sky Builders, Inc. utilizes our more than 40 years of experience to remodel and update garages of all different sizes and layouts. Our renowned Downers Grove garage builders will put their skills and knowledge to work for you. Call us today at 630-852-8485 to schedule a free estimate.

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