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How to Get Your Garage Ready for Winter

 Posted on August 21, 2019 in Uncategorized

The summer of 2019 is coming to a close. The kids are going back to school, most people have finished their summer vacations, and the days are slowly but surely getting shorter. Winter is just around the corner. During the summer, the garage door is the most used entrance to your home, but with the coming of fall, its use may significantly decline. Likewise, the shift in seasons brings new challenges for the maintenance of your garage, and you will want to be sure that you are prepared as the temperatures continue to drop. While it is still lovely outside, you should get started by following these simple steps to prepare your garage and garage door for winter:

1. Lubricate Your Garage Door

With its extended use during the summer, your garage door could be facing some damage from wear and tear. Use the last days of summer to make sure the moving parts of your garage door, such as the tracks, springs, and rollers, are well lubricated. This will help ensure that during the cold winter months, your garage door does not get frozen.

2. Check on Insulation

In the Midwest, cold winters have the potential to do significant damage to your garage, such as bursting your pipes during frigid temperatures. You can prevent pipes from breaking in your garage by keeping your garage warm, and the best way to do that is to make sure it is properly insulated. Apply insulation fibers to areas of your garage where heat will easily escape to prevent this problem from happening.

3. Check Weather Stripping

Weather stripping is essential for maintaining a healthy temperature equilibrium in your garage and your entire house. However, if this stripping is damaged in places, this equilibrium can be threatened. Check your weather stripping for rips, tears, cracks, and areas hardened from heat. Remove the old strips and replace them with new ones. Doing this before the weather gets cold will ensure that you have the proper protections in place during the frigid winter months.

Contact Our Chicago Area Garage Door Repair and Installation Professionals

While these tips will go a long way toward getting your garage ready for winter, it is always best to contact the professionals to address any larger issues. If you are considering any garage renovations or need to make significant repairs, the Downers Grove garage experts at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. can ensure that your garage will be ready for the winter months. Contact our office at 630-852-8485.

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