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How Do I Know When My Garage Door Needs to Be Replaced?

 Posted on June 03, 2020 in Uncategorized

Whether you are having trouble opening your garage door or simply want to update your garage with an electric garage door opener or some other exciting modern upgrades, there are many reasons you may decide to replace your garage doors. Sometimes, though, garage door replacement is a requirement borne out of necessity. In those cases, you may want to hire a professional to guide you through the process. In case you are not entirely sure whether you need to replace your garage door or your garage door opener, consider some of these definitive signs that your garage door and opener have seen their last days.

3 Telltale Signs You Need to Replace Your Garage Door

Overall, there are three main areas to focus on when determining whether you may need a new garage door or opener. The top two most critical areas to look at are the overall function and structure. Secondarily, you may also want to review aesthetics, special features, and other ways to improve your garage door or opener. While these issues may not necessarily affect your day-to-day functions and safety, they could still make your life a whole lot easier or your home a whole lot more attractive. Within each area, there are some significant things to consider. Here is a closer look:

  1. Problems with Functioning-If your garage door is not opening or closing, or if your opener is not functioning properly, a repair or replacement might be needed. For instance, if your garage door exhibits any of these issues, you are going to want to get it checked out:
    • Inconsistent Responsiveness: Perhaps your garage door will not close or open, or it may not close or open the entire way, or it may reverse shortly after opening or closing. The remote in your car or the controls inside your garage may have no effect. In addition to causing aggravation, all of these problems have the potential to put your family's safety and security at risk.
    • Vibrations and Noises: Garage doors can vibrate when opening or closing, but if you notice excessive vibrations, or if your garage door generates significant noise when operating, you might want to have an expert look into this issue.
    • Constant Maintenance or Repair Visits: If your garage door keeps breaking down, it may be more cost-effective to replace it with a new and more reliable garage door or garage door opener.
  2. Structural Issues-Sometimes, a garage door and garage door opener alike will function properly, but other major structural issues may lead to safety concerns or other problems. These problems may include:
    • Damage to the Door: Hazardous weather, or irresponsible driving, or countless other issues may cause a garage door to be dented or damaged in some way that could impede its alignment.
    • Sagging, Rusting, and Rotting: If the door itself appears a droopy or rusted, or if the walls or frame around the door are damaged or rotting, these structural concerns will need to be addressed immediately. In these cases, a garage door may need to be replaced, and other repairs may need to be made to the garage.
  3. Aesthetics and Special Features-While these issues may not be as serious, they may still present compelling reasons to replace your garage door:
    • Design Decisions and Color Facelifts: If you are remodeling your home, or if you notice that your garage door does not fit the design or color of your house, a replacement might be the right choice, no matter how well the door is functioning mechanically or structurally.
    • Smartening Home Features: Special features like smart garage door openers and other modern conveniences can make your life easier, especially if you are upgrading your entire home to a smart home ecosystem.

Contact a Downers Grove Garage Door Expert

If your garage door or garage door opener are not working the way they should, contact our Chicago-area electric garage door opener specialists at 630-852-8485. Blue Sky Builders, Inc. can design, install, repair, or replace your garage door and ensure your equipment is functioning properly. Since we have more than 40 years of custom garage building experience, you can trust us to get your garage door in the best shape possible.


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