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Have You Outgrown Your Garage?

 Posted on May 06, 2022 in Uncategorized

Your garage is an extension and reflection of your home. If you set it up well, it is a haven where you can not only park your cars, but also enjoy your hobbies, pursue your favorite projects, and even establish an inviting home office. So now that we are well into spring-the season of new beginnings-it is the perfect time to consider whether to remodel or rebuild your garage to make it an even bigger part of your overall lifestyle.

Does Your Garage Still Have What It Takes?

What is the physical condition of your present garage? Home garages can typically stand up to a lot of wear and tear over the years. But eventually, there may come a time when your garage becomes less useful or pleasant to be in. Has yours fallen into disrepair? Does it need any structural work? Is the roof starting to sag, or are the boards rotting? Has the lighting become less adequate for the tasks at hand? Has it become unsafe in any way? Or just outdated? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this may be the time to consider remodeling or replacing your garage.

Have You Outgrown the Space Itself?

Over the years since you bought your home or built that new garage, your lifestyle has probably changed in a lot of ways. Your space needs have probably evolved as well. Maybe you now have an additional car to park, or a motorcycle, ATV, pickup truck, or other drivable investment that a controlled environment can help protect. How are you going to expand that space?

Do You Need Better Security?

Unfortunately, we live in a state with some of the highest annual rates of car theft-over 21,000 in 2020 alone. And let's not forget the tens of thousands of personal property losses due to vehicle break-ins. Perhaps the aging doors and windows in your garage are becoming difficult to lock, leaving them vulnerable to potential intruders. An updated garage with state-of-the-art locks and other security systems is your best guarantee of protection.

Maximize the Value of Your Home

In today's exploding seller's real estate market, who hasn't thought about selling their home at some point? One of the surest ways to increase your home's value is by renovating or rebuilding your garage. In fact, even a simple garage door replacement can up your home's value and curb appeal considerably.

Contact Our DuPage County Garage Renovation Professionals Today

At Blue Sky Builders, Inc., we know lots of ways to improve your garage today and increase your home's resale value and curb appeal tomorrow. We can help you remodel your existing garage, or build the garage of your dreams from scratch. For a free estimate, call our Downers Grove custom garage experts at 630-852-8485.

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