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7 Ways to Help Your Garage Keep Its Cool

 Posted on April 27, 2022 in Uncategorized

Summer is finally coming to Chicago, and you know what that means: Many days, it's going to be HOT. So if you are planning to spend time at that garage workbench, or working on your car or other garage-based projects, now is your chance to start making the temperature more bearable. Here are seven options to consider:

Open the Door. This is the cheapest and easiest way to let some of that hot air out and get some breeze in. Any moving air is cooler than still air. And if you have windows, open them as well to create a cooling cross-draft.

Let Your Vehicles Cool Outside. Instead of driving that hot car or truck right into the garage, why not let it cool off first in the driveway? This works especially well if your drive is shaded. But even if not, you can still pour some cold water over its roof to speed things up.

Put In a Ceiling Fan. If your garage ceiling is at least eight feet high, this is a simple, cost-effective measure that can help a lot. A good rule of thumb is to use a 36-to-44-inch diameter fan for garages under 225 square feet, and 52-plus inches over that. Install it seven to nine feet high and 10 to 12 inches below the ceiling. If you have windows, a window fan will also help let the hot air out and bring cooler air in.

Declutter. See those boxes stacked around the garage? They're storing heat and impeding circulation along the floor-even with the door open. If you must keep them, put them on shelves.

Plant a Tree-or an Awning. A nice leafy tree between the garage and the sun-like an ash, oak, or walnut-will help cool your garage in the summer, and let the sun shine down and warm the area during the leafless winter. Alternatively, a rollaway pull-down awning can shade your garage door during the summer, and store away in that same garage for the winter.

Prevent Heat with Insulation. Inserting or increasing insulation, especially in your exterior garage walls, can make a big difference. Either blow it in behind existing drywall or put up batt insulation, then cover it with drywall. New, pliable weatherstripping around the garage door and windows can be very effective at sealing out heat and cold as well. And if your ceiling is not yet insulated, this would be a good time to do it. Even without finishing it, you can just staple batt insulation up there, keeping it in place with netting designed for that purpose.

Replace Your Garage Door. Finally, consider replacing your garage door with an energy-efficient insulated one that is designed to hold both the hot and cold air out-and keep your garage comfortable year-round.

Contact Our Downers Grove Garage Renovation Specialists

At Blue Sky Builders, Inc., we have over 40 years of experience renovating and building custom garages throughout the Chicago area. Try out these tips, and if you are still not getting all the comfort and utility you deserve, let us come out and make a suggestion. Whether that amounts to new options to make your existing garage more comfortable or a new custom garage that gives you the perfect space for your lifestyle, your DuPage County custom garage professionals have the answer you need. So reach out to us today at 630-852-8485.

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