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7 Benefits of a New Garage Addition

 Posted on August 29, 2014 in Uncategorized

Once you consider all of the benefits a garage addition can provide, you may wonder why it took you so long to move ahead with the project. Here are just some of the reasons you might want a new garage:

1. Car storage

The ability to jump in a clean, dry car without having to scrape ice off the windows or endure sun-baked seats is a major advantage to having a garage addition.

2. Household storage

Garages are great storage spaces. Even with cars, mowers, bikes and other items taking up floor space, you can still create an enormous amount of additional storage on the walls and ceilings.

3. Car maintenance

Whether you are the type of car junkie who can happily spend entire days rebuilding an engine or a weekend warrior who likes to change the oil yourself, a garage addition will make your life much easier.

4. Workshop

Thinking about taking up woodworking, gardening or some other craft? A garage addition will provide the room you need to work and a safe, secure place to keep your tools and equipment.

5. Playroom

A garage can easily be turned into a great playroom. It is big enough to set up a ping-pong table, for example, even if only temporarily. A garage is also perfect for birthday parties and other (messy) celebrations.

6. New living space

With a little advance planning, you can build a garage addition today that can be easily converted into new living space at some future date.

7. Home office

With greater numbers of people working out of their homes these days, one of the biggest challenges is finding a quiet space with enough room to set up a suitable home office. A garage addition can offer the perfect solution.


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